June 2024

Dear Transitioners

The excitement this week has been an unexpected visit at extremely short notice to Monmouth by Fergal Sharkey on his cleaning up the rivers tour – and what better place to come!  Angela Jones came too, along with many of our caring locals.  This is great publicity for our Friends of the River Wye Group – much stuff already on social media, and, hopefully, in next week’s Monmouthshire Beacon.

And so life goes on apace and time flies, but here’s an opportunity to catch up on what’s going on and on what we are doing.  Please come to our meeting on Tuesday:-

Transition Monmouth Members’ Meeting

Tuesday 18 June 2024 at 7.30

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 867 6962 1530
Passcode: 403191

The Agenda is below together with notes of our meeting in May.  We look forward to seeing and hearing from you.

AGENDA:  Transition Monmouth Members’ Meeting


Apologies for absence

Note taker

Notes of the last meeting – copied below, and matters arising not elsewhere on the agenda


Air Quality Monitoring

Monmouth Community Fridge

Green Grow

Future Events:-


Bee Festival:  22 June

The Hive:  Consultation and Engagement Event:  22 June, 10 am

Sustainability Conference:  30 June at the Haberdashers School, Hereford Road

Monmouth Carnival:  30 June

Pride Event:  20 July on Vauxhall Fields

Sewage Works and/or Water Works Visit

Any other business

Date of next meeting

NOTES:  Transition Monmouth Members’ Meeting

Tuesday 21 May 2024 at 7.30

Present:  Bryan Miller, Claudia Blair, Vivien Mitchell, Emma Bryn, Mary Boase

Apologies for absence:  Kelly Jackson-Graham, Mike Dunsbee, Charles Emes, Frank Brehany, Rebecca Cunningham, Helena Ronicle

Note taker:  Vivien Mitchell

Finance:  Friends of the Lower Wye, having merged their day-to-day operations into Friends of the River Wye, would like their monies transferred to FotRW.  They have requested approval from Monmouth Town Council (which is where their remaining funds came from).  We are still waiting for the funds from Hubbub for the Community Fridge.

Air Quality Monitoring:  Bryan showed us pictures of the prototype monitors being built with help from Make Monmouth.  The commercial version positioned along Drybridge Street is working well;  there are huge spikes in PM readings when tarmac is being laid – https://www.iqair.com/uk/wales/monmouth/drybridge-street

Monmouth Community Fridge:  There have been a few closures because of holidays and the Fridge may well continue to not open on Mondays.  There have been a few problems with a couple of customers but these are being resolved.  We await the grant from Hubbub for marketing activities.

Green Grow:  Vivien undertook to update the spreadsheet listing the sites, what is being done/needs to be done, and by whom.  This is circulated within the Group but will also be sent to the Officers.

Future Events:

Open Gardens:  Sunday 26 May:  Cherry Taylor and Cheryl Cummings will have their gardens open;  both, together with other dates are well publicised on Facebook

Agincourt WI:  Bryan and Helena will do a presentation;  the WI is currently fully booked but they are being held in reserve

Going Green:  20 to 22 June at the Savoy:  We declined to do an information stall as we will be in the election period and must appear impartial

Bee Festival:  Saturday 22 June, 12 till 4pm:  Nelson Garden:  We are already booked to attend The Hive consultation that day so will, unfortunately, be unable to attend

The Hive:  Saturday 22 June, 10am till noon:  Wyesham Green:  Consultation and engagement event:  We will have A-boards, a display and leaflets, and stand run by Kelly, Emma, Claudia & Bryan

Sustainability Conference:  Sunday 30 June:  We will have information leaflets on the ACE Monmouth stall and after the meal at around 5.30, Claudia will attend the open mic session to talk about the Community Fridge.  All are welcome to the meal that is being provided but must book in advance

Monmouth Carnival:  Sunday 30 June:  Helena will contact Martin Sweeney to confirm details but we plan to have a stall with information, plants, books, garden games, and badge making and other children’s activities

Orchard Pruning:  We need to confirm a date.  Sue Flower wishes to attend.  Bryan and Helena to give the names and contact details of others interested to Vivien so she can put it on the TM contacts spreadsheet

Hustings:  To organise just as soon as an election is announced

Sewage Works and Water Works Visits:  Bryan is planning on the end of June for the sewage works visit for up to ten people, followed in the autumn with a water works visit

Any other business:  The mail@transitionmonmouth.org email address is not working.  Bryan has contacted Chris Were and awaits a reply.

Date of next meeting:  18 June 2024 at 7.30pm